
The Chariot: Meaning

carte tarot le chariot
Written by tarot-destiny.com

What is the meaning of the Le Chariot tarot card?

The seventh map of the Major Arcanes, The Chariot, is linked to goal, confidence and overcoming obstacles in your life.

Traditionally, this map depicts a man riding a tank pulled by two animals of opposite colors without reins to guide them.

This image symbolizes the trust it shows within the person being read.

The two animals and their opposite colors say that no matter what pulls you, whether it’s positive or negative events, the situation has an attractive result.

Meaning of the Chariot positioned at the location

When The Chariot appears in a past position, it shows you that you have gone through a major life event that acts as a catalyst for your current and future positions.

It may be a reminder of what you have overcome and it shows you that you are still capable of being that untouchable person.

In a current position, The Chariot strongly suggests keeping a cool head and staying on track for your ultimate goal.

It’s saying “you can do this!”, as long as you don’t falter.

The tank standing in a future position is the person read out of the situation over and as a better person for it.

They have overcome all obstacles in past and present positions despite the signs or omens they have presented.

The Cart Map and Work

In a work-related draw, Le Chariot shows a change in positions and even entire careers.

If you’re thinking about starting your own business, now’s the perfect time.

There is also the possibility that a better job offer will arise and Le Chariot says to accept.

Another possible meaning in this type of spread is an unexpected work-related trip that could result in a pay increase or promotion within your current business.

The Map of Chariot and Love

Often, the Chariot will appear if the person being read has recently ended a relationship or if a particular patch is about to show up in their current relationship.

Whether you’re single or tied up, Le Chariot tells you that it will also pass.

Despite the difficulties you have encountered in love, you will come out stronger and better thanks to them.

The Chariot says to take your experiences and use them to get to know better next time.

The Cart Map and Finance

When this card appears in a financial draw or the person being read asks a question about their financial situation, time is not wasted.

While Le Chariot is a good indication that more money is coming to you, it is ill-advised to start spending frivolously as the card can also be a sign that an unexpected event is on the horizon that could cause a huge financial blow if you are not prepared.

The Chariot map and Health

For someone who is already in poor health, Le Chariot means there’s still a long way to go until you’re better.

While this may seem quite disturbing, keep in mind that overcoming obstacles is still one of the fundamental meanings of the map.

Even with the possibility of an illness to come, The Chariot means you are strong enough to bear it.

The inverted Cart map

Appearing in reverse, Le Chariot recognizes the feeling of a lack of control over your life.

This suggests that you take a moment to understand what is causing these feelings and give yourself time to resolve the situation.

Of course, it’s much easier said than done, but it’s important to remember that The Chariot speaks of your strength.

Even in reverse position, you’re still hard enough to get back on track even if things seem desperate.

If you feel that life is changing and leaves you behind, The Chariot is very likely to appear reversed in your reading.

The lesson she teaches in this situation is hard because it reminds us that change will happen, whether you want to or not.

Chariot map combinations

  • When the Pope appears with The Chariot, the broadcast tells you that wisdom is your best tool on the way to victory.
  • The star in combination with The Chariot highlights the “victory” that will be won.
  • If the three cards, The Chariot, The Pope and The Star, all appear together in the same distribution, there is no doubt that you will be unstoppable.
  • The Chariot paired with the king of pentacles is a strong indication of making money.
  • If you are single, The Chariot in combination with the King of the Cup means that love is around the corner. These two cards running in tandem are a huge omen for marriage.

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