
Tarot and Spiritual Development

tarot spiritualité
Written by tarot-destiny.com

What exactly is spiritual development?

Spiritual development is not something that can be exactly defined. For many, it means personal development, developing a higher consciousness. It is a way to harmonize spirituality at ever higher levels in our daily lives.

Activities related to creative virtuosity and accomplishment (e.g. art, music, sports, crafts, etc.) are all a large part of a person’s spiritual development. Consciousness is the ability, automatically and without thinking, to act according to your fundamental right of existence – the equal right of all beings to be on earth, to develop and to carry out their tasks. Another word for this awareness is consciousness. Spiritual development is exactly that – further develop your senses and abilities.

Imagine for a second that your body is a lamp and that its brightness represents your level of consciousness. The brighter its light (your consciousness), the more you can see your environment, so perceive additional aspects of yourself and your environment. This light fully illuminates the space around us in the form of a sphere – its size is the level of growth of your spiritual level. You can clearly see what is inside your sphere with your senses and intuition. Whereas outside the sphere are things that go beyond your consciousness and are less easy to perceive.

Knowing all this, the definition becomes clear: Spiritual development expands the diameter of your luminous sphere of consciousness in order to see much more of your environment. Carl Jung believed that spiritual experience was an integral part of a person’s well-being. By its very nature, spiritual development must be considered one of the most important aspects of your life – an essential part of your goal. Spiritual development is the basis of a better and more harmonious life for all, a life free of tension, fear and anxiety. It is a method to broaden your horizons and become a stronger, happier and more responsible person.

Reading Tarot maps for personal spiritual development

There are many draws of Tarot cards widely used as a means of personal advice and spiritual growth. These simple card draws can greatly help you explore all the depths and knots of your spiritual journey and discover a whole new area of enrichment possibilities, concerning the inner self. What you can accomplish by working on your mind and soul can be unlimited… we are confined only by our physical body.

This specific Tarot print was designed many years ago and has developed in a way that will guide you to push boundaries beyond defined boundaries. It will suggest a direction that you must take in order to fully understand your inner self and all aspects of your being at a subconscious level. A balanced life requires that we take care not only of the necessities of the body and feelings but also of the mind, and that is the role of spiritual development.

Tips for your spiritual development with the Tarot

These simple tips don’t just apply to tarot readings – use them at all times. You will find yourself happier and more fulfilled – a better person, not only for you, but also for others.

Read spiritual books

Read deep between the lines – think about what you read and apply what you learn in your life. A better understanding will help you interpret Tarot’s maps with greater precision and reach new heights of spiritual growth. Use this information in your personal life and when you learn a valuable lesson – pass it on. The brotherhood of men is based on mutual aid.


Take at least 15 minutes for meditation. If you haven’t done so yet, there are many websites, books and teachers that can help you get started in no time. Meditation helps you relax and cleanse your mind, which is essential to achieve greater concentration. In turn, this higher level of concentration will help you discover what makes you feel conscious and alive. Meditation also improves your intuition and your mind of subconscious analysis, which are essential instruments for a Tarot reading for spiritual development.

It’s your mind that counts

Accept the fact that you are a spirit above all, living inside a physical body – not the other way around. It is important to accept this idea because it really changes your beliefs and your approach to many things, situations and people in your daily life. When you recognize that this is reality, you become more aware of your environment, which is a key element of personal development.

Thinking positively

Optimism is always better than pessimism. Yes, it’s not so easy to “always look on the right side of life,” but if you find yourself thinking negatively, immediately try to move on to positive thoughts. Sometimes a short walk can help or something else you like to do. Meditation, as mentioned above, is also a great choice if you have trouble thinking positively. The important thing is to let go, even for a brief moment. Step back, relax for a moment and gather your strength!

Happiness comes from within

Learn to be happy. Yes, that’s right. It’s not the job of others to make you happy. If someone makes you happy (which is often the case), then that’s great – that’s why we all have families and friends! But remember this important lesson – don’t let your external circumstances decide your happiness for you, happiness comes from within. External influences are just that – external. Develop a habit to be happy!

Train your willpower

Exercise your decision-making skills – this will make you stronger and allow you to control your mind. Better control over yourself is another key element on your path to greater personal growth.

Improve your patience

Strengthening your tolerance will lead to better tact, help you achieve greater harmony with your environment and feel united with the people around you.

Examples of questions to ask during a Tarot draw for spiritual development

What has happened recently in my life?

What can help me see what is happening now?

What feelings and emotions do these events arouse?

Is there a pattern in my behaviour or in the situations I find myself in?

Is what is happening now related to something in my past?

Spiritual development is the innate right of every person. Personal development is the key element on your path to happiness, peace of mind and greater strength of your inner self. The level of manifestation of spirituality is directly related to how conscious you are, to the brightness of your light!

Don’t hesitate to read this article every time you feel the need!

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