
The Lion's Portal

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The Lion Portal opens from July 26 to August 12, sending beams of high vibrational energy to planet Earth, but the energies are at their peak on August 8.

In numerology, the 8th day of the 8th month is a highly spiritual and charged moment. The number 8 represents the infinity, the infinite soul that we are and the infinite journey we make. It represents the "always conscious" part of our soul; the soul that lived and will continue to live long after and long before this incarnation.

8 is also the number associated with abundance, power and higher realms of consciousness, making the 8/8 a super powerful time to charge and clean our energy for reception.

Lionsgate is not only about numerology, but also astrology, and involves the movement of the Sun in its dominant sign of Lion (the sign of the Lion) and the rise of the star Sirius.

Sirius is a fixed star that lives in the constellation Cancer and is known as our spiritual Sun.

The ancients were very much in tune with the star Sirus, because they thought it was the gateway to heaven and the home of higher vibrating beings. They believed that Sirius' energy carried a very advanced wisdom that we could harness and use whenever Sirius was strong in the sky.

As Sirius lives in the constellation of Cancer, during the Cancer Season when our Sun is in this sign, it would merge with Sirius, symbolizing a type of rebirth.

Then, as the Sun would leave Cancer for Leo, Sirius could rise without being blocked by our Sun, meaning the completion of the rebirth and the opening of the portal.

As Sirius began to rise, the elders also observed the things that happened to Mother Earth.

In ancient Egypt, the rise of Sirius coincided with the flooding of the Nile. They regarded this as a gift of prosperity and fertility and so revered Sirius that they even aligned their pyramids with his ascent.

While our Sun is responsible for spreading the life of our physical body, especially when it is in its dominant sign of Lion, Sirius is responsible for spreading the life of our spiritual body.

This is why opening the Lion Portal can cause awakenings and raise our consciousness to new heights.

Here are some elements that we can define as an intention to experiment under the Lion portal:

Cardiac Healing: The Lion Portal activates the cardiac chakra. Old or even present wounds of the heart can rise to heal. We can finally feel free from any sorrow or sadness that has overwhelmed our hearts. For more information on this, read How to open and erase blocks in your heart chakra.
Awakening the third eye: the Lion portal also activates the chakra of the third eye. We may feel more intuitive or learn something new about how our intuition speaks to us. Our intuition is likely to be strong and if it is something we want to work with more, the Lion Portal is the perfect time to start. To learn more, read how to open and activate your third-eye chakra.
Upper Chakra Openings: While we have seven main chakras or energy centers in our body, we also have hundreds of smaller and more sensitive chakras that can be activated and awakened during the Lion Portal. This helps us to tap into new wisdom and higher spiritual knowledge.
Psychic downloads: With the high vibrational energy of Sirus beaming on our way, we are more likely to receive psychic downloads. These can come from our dreams, visions, spiritual guides and angels, or simply by hearing things in a state of relaxation. Meditation and automatic writing are great ways to open up to this energy and receive advice.
Visits: the ancients believed that Sirius was home to heaven, angels and other beings of the world. Under the energy of the Lion Portal, we are more likely to receive messages, dreams, signs and visits from our deceased loved ones and our spiritual guides and guardian angels. Meeting with foreign beings may also be more likely.
Freedom: one of Sirius' strongest vibrations is this energy of freedom. We can begin to notice this sense of freedom that is forming in our own lives and perhaps we can feel freer to pursue our dreams, tell our truth and do the things we desire.
Peace: Sirius also has very peaceful vibrations, so spending time in nature and meditation is a great way to tap into this peaceful energy and use it to heal and restore your mind, body and soul. For an opening and cleaning chakra meditation designed for the Lion Portal, try my cosmic guided meditation for August.

Technology: Sirius energy is also combined with state-of-the-art technology. If you have a new technological innovation or want to start a website, blog, application or any other technology-related element, it would be a great energy to use to your advantage.
Creativity: The Lion Portal is also a very creative time and the perfect opportunity to try out a new creative project or take action on a creative project that you were looking to take off.
Although these themes are present under each Portal of the Lion, 2019 also offers something a little different, due to the sacred alignment of Venus and Jupiter.

Venus is the planet of love and Jupiter is the planet of abundance, and together on 8/8 they make magic! It's a really special energy and such a gift from the Universe!

These two celestial bodies align in what astrologers call a trigon, and it's a wonderful and harmonious aspect that will really help strengthen the loving and heart-centered energy of the Lion Portal 2019.

Under this energy, it will be easier for us to open ourselves to love, forgiveness, compassion, abundance and all the emotions of well-being that flow from it!

It is time for us to find the joy that flows from the heart. It is a joy that is not related to external circumstances but exists simply because we do.

This river of joy is accessible to all of us when we open and activate our hearts, and let us remember to feel as much as we think and to find lightness instead of worry.

This joy is a state of natural presence and often observed in animals, children and nature.

Venus and Jupiter will also make their energies shine so that we feel aligned, expansive and connected to the Unity of the Universe.

Under the portal of the Lion of 2019, we will be able to connect and see that we live in everything and in each. Even though we seem to be independent beings in our own individual bodies, we are all connected.

Each action creates a ripple. Every thought comes out into the Universe and helps to create all life.

We're all in there. We all co-create together. I'm you and you're me. We are all truly each other, we express ourselves a million times in different bodies, in trees, in stars and in rivers.

You can read these words but they will only make sense if you feel them too. These words must be felt with the heart.

See if you can feel with your heart, not just those words, but all the things that greet you through the opening of the Lion Portal.

Although you've read all the energies you can expect under the Lion Portal, the real journey and experience belong to you. The opening of the Lion's Portal is a mystical and magical moment and you have to cross the heart, not the mind.

Stay open and use this energy to explore your intuition, the higher realms of consciousness and the infinite wisdom that lives in you.

"In truth, I am not my body, my race, my religion or other beliefs, and no one else either. The real self is infinite and much more powerful – a complete and complete entity that is neither broken nor damaged in any way. Infinity me already contains all the resources I need to navigate life because I am One with universal energy. In fact, I AM universal energy. "Anita Moorjani

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