
Spiritual significance of November 11, 2018

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The number 11 is considered a master number in numerology, and has a very creative vibration allowing intentions, objectives and wishes to manifest more easily.

It is also thought that 11 is the number of spiritual awakenings and can help activate higher states of consciousness.

When you frequently see 11:11 on the clock, or when you are attracted to the number 11 patterns, this may indicate an upcoming change or a spiritual awakening.

Angels, spiritual guides and the universe also use numbers as a means of connecting and communicating, and 1111 is commonly used by divine beings to point you in the right direction and to illuminate the path that awaits you.

1111 essentially consists of aligning so that you can walk your highest path and be a vibratory fit for everything you need, want and desire.

This makes November 11th the perfect time to do a ritual or even to spend a few moments thinking about what you want to bring into your life.

2018 is also a number 11 in numerology, which improves this vibration and amplifies the energy effects of the number. In fact, the numerology code for this day is 111111.

Here, the number 11 is repeated three times, which means a day when we can align our mind, body and soul. It represents a powerful day for healing and alignment.

Under this energy, we will also be called to connect to our intuition and reflect on the reality we want to manifest and create, not only for ourselves, but for the world.

On this day, our thoughts will be extremely powerful and we will have the ability to manifest and create our desires with ease.

Our thoughts always help to create and shape the reality in which we live, but on 9/11, we have the advantage of being able to manifest ourselves more quickly.

Express your wishes, express your good thoughts and see them three times.

While we can use this energy to manifest our greatest desires, we must also think more than that.

It's all very well to define an intention and visualize what you want to achieve, but we also need to focus on aligning our thoughts with positive and harmonious vibrations as often as possible.

We all live in the same world, but our perception of it is different, and this is largely due to our thoughts.

Our thoughts have the ability to color and paint the world around us. If we focus on scary thoughts, that's what we tend to see. Similarly, if we focus on abundant thoughts, that is what we tend to see.

Of course, having positive thoughts is important, but what is more important than that is to be true to oneself and to allow oneself to react, to think and to act from a place of authenticity.

We will all get angry sometimes, we will all feel resentment, bitterness, jealousy, guilt, shame, hostility, etc. These emotions are normal, natural and part of the human experience. We must give ourselves room to feel and honor them as they slip into our lives.

What we don't want to do, however, is keep these negative emotions for too long. When they happen, we have to do the work to cross them and free them, otherwise we will find that we begin to paint our life and our reality with them.

When we cling to negative emotions, they create the time of our lives, and that of all others as well. You see, our thoughts not only shape our reality, but they also contribute to collective reality.

Together, all our thoughts create the world in which we live. We are all in the same boat, we are all one, and we are all responsible for the state of the world around us.

By focusing on positive thoughts, being authentic and true to ourselves, and spreading love wherever we go, we can help change the state of the world and increase the awareness of the planet.

So, although 9/11 is ideal for expressing your dreams, connecting with divine setting, meditation, intent, etc., use it also to remind you that we are all in the same boat. We all need each other, and we must all do our part to advance the state of consciousness on the planet.

We all do our best with what we know, so keep this in your heart, treat others with kindness and compassion, and observe how simply changing and taking responsibility for your own thoughts can not only raise your consciousness, but the conscience of the planet too.

Happy 11/11!

Here's a ritual you can use for inspiration- It's recommende
d to do this ritual at 11:11 a.m., 11:11 a.m., 1:11 p.m. or 11:11 p.m. on November 11

Step 1: Start writing freely for 11 minutes about anything that brings you joy into your life. This may include things that currently bring you joy or things you want to bring into your life in the future. When you write freely, the idea is to keep writing without lifting the pen from the page. Even if you don't know what to write, keep the pen moving by writing gibberish or anything that comes to mind. Let yourself write anything to keep the pen moving.

Step 2: Once you've written for 11 minutes, review what you've written and highlight all key activities or feel the words you think are meaningful. What key elements do you want to bring to your life in the future? These words and/or activities will provide you with clues as to where you need to focus your energy and time.

Step 3: Choose 3 of the words or activities you like the most right now, then write them down on a separate sheet of paper. Now place your hand on your heart and repeat for everyone –

"I give myself permission to feel / do …… . I give myself permission to bring more of this energy into my life from today."

Step 4: Close your eyes now and visualize what your life will look like when you bring all this beautiful energy. See yourself achieving everything you want and feeling happy and happy. Meditate on it for 11 minutes.

Step 5: With your vision in mind, write a clear intention for what you want to manifest in your life. Try to capture succinctly the emotions, feelings and things you want to bring into your life in one sentence. This will help you send a clear wish to the Universe. Here are a few examples

"My intention to move forward is to bring a more relaxed and peaceful energy into my life so that I can feel aligned and connected with my highest path"

"My intention to move forward is to give me permission to play and feel young and happy again."
"My intention to move forward is to listen and honor my intuition so that I can go further in my career and bring more abundance."

"My intention to move forward is to open my heart to a new love and share new memories with another."

There is no right or wrong when it comes to your intention, just try to express it in a positive way. Once you intend, keep it somewhere, you can see it regularly or express it aloud several times.

Step 6: Place your hands in a prayer position, thank your Spirit team and close with the mantra-

"I am aligned, I am One, I create the life of my highest path where all my wishes are fulfilled. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, thank you. "

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