
Chiron Direct and the Spiritual Significance of 12/12/19

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On December 12, 2019, we have a number of cosmic events underway.

Some of us in the world, depending on our time zone, will experience the last full moon of the year. Moments later, Chiron, the asteroid associated with healing, will also become direct after being retrograde since July.

Everything that takes place on the already powerful 12/12 makes it a remarkable day of the month and a powerful day for healing and ritual work.

While it's always good to do this job, choosing cosmically powerful days like this can improve the effects and quality of your work. They also allow you to work in harmony with the Universe, adding power to the process.

Here are some ways to use the energy of Chiron, the Moon and 12/12:

Chiron Direct on 12/12

Chiron is an asteroid known as the "wounded healer" and is currently moving through the sign of the Aries zodiac.

Whatever our sign, we all have the opportunity to tap into this energy, especially on 12/12, as Chiron stations run it.

Every time a planet is stationed, which happens when it starts and finishes its retrograde, it is the most powerful and we tend to feel the energies more strongly.

It is in these pivotal days that we can truly learn and learn lessons if we stop and pay attention.

While everyone will feel this energy differently, here are some universal themes on which Chiron guides us to work in this internship in Aries:

1.) Our physical health and well-being: Chiron reigns over healing and Aries reigns over the head. We may need to pay attention to diseases involving the head, sinuses or eyes and look deeper to make sure we take care of ourselves and listen to the wisdom of our bodies.

2.) Our mental health and well-being: Chiron in Aries wants us to become authentic leaders in our own lives. He wants us to be proactive and get out of the victim's mindset. If we haven't, we may receive a wake-up call or we may find that our thoughts about a particular situation or belief are beginning to change.

3.) Our emotional well-being: Chiron in Aries wants us to defend ourselves! If we do not do that or if we have to set limits, there may be problems in those areas. This energy can also awaken the old anger and push it to the surface to dissipate.

4.) Our spiritual well-being: Chiron in Aries will guide us to ask – "Who am I?" We may have to become real with ourselves at a deeper level and determine if our motivation to do something is aligned with the person we want to be.

5.) The well-being of our soul: Chiron in Aries will guide us to reach levels of self-acceptance like never before. We all have wounds, we have all experienced trauma, and reaching a level of acceptance with this and knowing that despite everything, we can still be whole, is the path to healing under this energy.

Is one of these themes or lessons different right now?

There is a strong potential for us to make a breakthrough right now in the areas of healing we are working on. With the vibrations of the full moon lingering, we can experience a release or letting go that allows us to take our healing to the next level.

If you feel frustrated, exhausted or obsessively thinking, you can use this energy to do release work, focus on personal care, or contact a friend or professional for support.

You are not alone in your healing journey. Sometimes taking the first step to reach out can be the hardest and scariest part.

You can learn more about Chiron and Chiron's retrograde journey to Aries here and here.

Spiritual significance of 12/12/19

On the 12th day of the 12th month of the year, the powerful numerology code 1212 is activated, helping to increase the frequency of our light body, access high realms of consciousness and bring a sense of completion to a larger cycle.

12 is a powerful number in numerology that represents totality and completion.

We have 12 months in the year, and 12 signs in the zodiac, and it is only once we have experienced the twelve of these states, that we can gain a broader perspective and understanding of where we have been.

Sometimes it is only when we reach the end of a cycle that we can really begin to understand the journey.

Situational awareness as a whole and this sense of completion is the energy of the number 12, but on the 12th day of the 12th month, that energy grows.

This is even more true in 2019, as we have the Gemini Full Moon and Chiron in direct motion, which also take place on 12/12.

Full moons have the power to illuminate things and Chiron moving directly will help us make inroads on our healing path.

We will be able to see the bigger picture with greater clarity and feel a sense of completeness regarding our position and the journey we have travelled.

As 2019 is a year 3, the 12/12 also contains the numerology code 333.

333 can also carry a vibration similar to the number 9 which is a number of endings and endings.

It seems that we will really be able to use this energy to connect ourselves to our truth in a way that brings healing, liberation and closure.

On 12/12, we can also increase our energy field and activate our light body or personal Merkaba with greater ease. This allows us to see the events of our lives from a higher state of consciousness.

You can find out more about 12/12 and the Merkaba here.

To experience this energy for yourself, try this meditation exercise below.

If there's something you're trying to clarify, don't hesitate to talk about it after this meditation, or pay attention to your dreams or signs of the Universe to see if other ideas come to you.

1212 Meditation exercise to increase and expand your energy field:
1.) Lie flat on the floor or sit upright in the lotus position.

2.) Close your eyes and take 12 deep breaths to calm your mind.

3.) Visualize the top half of your body (from your knees up) surrounded by the light of a beautiful pyramid. See this pyramid pointing to the sky and connecting your body to the higher realms.

4.) Once this visual is strong in your mind, visualize another pyramid on the lower half of your body pointing towards mother earth. Visualize the light of this pyramid surrounding the bottom half of your body and connecting to the planet.

5.) Once this pyramidal visual is strong, sit with it for 12 breaths.

6.) When you're ready, imagine the top pyramid slowing down starting to rotate clockwise and the lower pyramid slowly starting to rotate counterclockwise.

7.) Continue this visual and simply observe all the feelings or sensations that occur in your body. Stay here for 21 breaths or as long as you deem necessary.

8.) When you are ready to close meditation, stop the pyramids from turning and see the light of the pyramids become smaller and get closer to your body until your body completely absorbs light.

9.) Take 12 deep breaths here and start gently wiggling your toes and fingers.

10.) Once you are ready, get up and shake your body. Drink a glass of water to clean and balance your energy.

Happy 12/12!

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