
The spiritual significance of Friday the 13th

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Is there anything to be feared on Friday the 13th?

For years, people have been telling us that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Horror films were named after that day and research also tells us that there is an increase in accidents on Friday the 13th. But where does all this come from?

Before patriarchal times, Friday the 13th was considered the day of the Goddess. It was considered a day to worship the Divine Feminine who lives in all of us and to honor the cycles of creation and death and rebirth.

Friday the 13th was considered a very powerful day to manifest, honor creativity and celebrate the beauty, wisdom and nourishing of the soul.

Friday is the day of Venus and we all know that Venus is the embodiment of female energy.

His energy joins us on the weekend to honor the days passed and to remind us that it is important to rest, relax and play.

As a society, we all look forward to Friday (Venus Day), and we all naturally find ourselves relaxing and relaxing in its comforting energy.

Friday is the perfect day to embrace Venus as energy and focus on creativity, beauty and sensuality.

Venus' energy also encourages us to tune in to our receptive female energy in order to stimulate our creativity and bring art, music and healing to the world.

The number 13 also holds an extremely powerful female energy and is considered the number of deaths and rebirths, creation, fertility and blood.

Indeed, we have 13 lunar cycles each year and the average female also experiences 13 periods per year.

If a woman's periods are synchronized with the Moon's cycle, she will lose her lining on the New Moon and ovulate on the Full Moon.

On average, the 13th falls in the middle of the Moon cycle and represents this intermediate point between death and rebirth. The point halfway between the New Moon, where a woman loses (death) and the Full Moon, where the woman ovulates (rebirth).

Before patriarchal times, when a woman bled, she was seen as embodying divine and magical powers. She was considered by all for her wisdom and ability to offer intuitive and psychic messages.

When she ovulused, she was considered to live up to her power and was celebrated for her ability to receive, retain and create a new life.

It was only when society became more patriarchal that women were ashamed when they had their periods and ignored their incredible potential to create and preserve space for a new life.

This attitude has contributed to the idea that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.

The lunar calendar is also composed of 13 months, which still supports 13 as holding female power.

The Moon is also representative of female energy and helps us to understand and manage our emotions and sensibilities.

In the astrological theme, the Moon governs not only our emotions but also our potential and how we choose to express ourselves through life. In fact, for many people, understanding their lunar sign can often help raise awareness more than their solar sign.

By bringing together Friday and number 13, you can see that Friday the 13th is actually a very powerful day for female energy and creativity.

It is also an extremely powerful moment of death and rebirth because it represents this middle point of the cycle between something new emerging and something old that is moving away.

Friday the 13th was often held in high esteem by women and the pagan community, and many rituals and spells are often conducted on this day in order to make the most of this beautiful energy.

This also contributed to the fear surrounding Friday the 13th, as it was an important day for many who loved the cycles of nature (often called witchcraft).

We all have a feminine energy in us, so Friday the 13th is not just for women. It is a day for all of us to honour or possess the capacity to create and receive energy from the world around us.

Friday the 13th is not an unlucky day. Friday the 13th is Goddess Day and is a beautiful day to create and celebrate life. It is a beautiful day to keep up with your emotions and sensibilities and thank the beautiful goddess who lives in all of us.

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