
September 11, 2018 numerology

Numero 11
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September 11, 2018 contains the numerology code 91111, making it a powerful day for spiritual awakenings, healing and connection with the angelic kingdoms.

Numbers have sacred meaning and hold their own vibration, however some numbers like 9 and 11 have more weight and are therefore more significant when viewed together.

Number 9 alone is synonymous with purposes, creation and the Universe as a whole, and the number 11 is synonymous with awakenings and spiritual advancement.

When these numbers come together, we have a strong surge of high-frequency energy that we can harness if we allow ourselves to be aware of it.

The 911 is the business card of the light worker and the healer. If you see a lot of 911, this could be a sign that you are about to become a healer, or it could also indicate that you have angels and spiritual guides around you now who are there to help you heal.

91111 adds to this vibration and helps us advance our spirituality and heal to an even deeper level.

This day also contains the vibration of 4 (digital root of 91111) which represents the search for your strength and your sense of grounding.

Together, all these energies will help us to tap and grant higher frequencies. We will have the potential to heal emotional and spiritual wounds at a faster rate, and we will also find it easier to root ourselves and find our strength.

In order to access this energy, here is a quick exercise that you can do:

1.) Sit in a lotus or lie down in a comfortable position. You can also sit upright on a chair with your feet on the floor.

2.) Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale deeply, and imagine a beautiful green light rising from the ground and bringing your feet up to the top of your head.

3.) Visualize the green light that surrounds you, protects you, nourishes you and heals you. Feel the light melt and soften any worry or stress.

4.) You will now take 11 deep breaths through the nose and exhale through the mouth. When each breath expires, recite the following mantra (or feel free to write your own). –

Breath 1: "I'm light"
Breath 2: "I am cleansed"
Breath 3: "I let go of everything that no longer serves me"
Breath 4: "I am healed and I am whole"
Breath 5: "I'm beautiful"
Breath 6: "My body supports me"
Breath 7: "I'm strong"
Breath 8: "Everything works perfectly"
Breath 9: "I am open to the Divine"
Breath 10: "I'm one with the Source/God/Universe"
Breath 11: "I'm where I'm supposed to be"
5.) After your last breath, close your eyes and re-visualize the green light around you. Feel at peace in your body and with yourself.

6.) Open your eyes and shake your body. If you wish, you can also write a journal, do art work or continue to meditate.

91111 is a special set of numbers with a powerful vibration. It's easy to dismiss days like these, but if you take the time to log in, you may notice or feel a subtle change.

Watch what happens that day, see if you can see how the energy moves or what events are happening in your environment.

Numbers are more sacred than we think, and one day like 91111, we can connect and feel their potential more easily. But don't just trust my word, open your mind and see if you can notice the change!

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